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Join a challenge

OOHSOSTACEY weight loss challenge and support group

Not your typical weight loss challenge! You are surrounded by constant support from me and others in the group. I focus a lot on mentality and body changes and not being scale obsessed! This challenge is about being accountable with yourself and me, good and bad! I am available to everyone in the challenge groups for tips and support and added recipes! Having a health and life coach and great support group at a price anyone can afford! A one time payment for the whole 6 weeks! Lets change your life and body!



Things to know before joining: Please Read before paying!


*Clear full body pictures in a two piece bathing suit or underwear are required on start date and every single Monday by 6pm pacific time for check in's.

A scale picture with weight is also required at start date and every Monday at check in's. Pictures must also include face and go to at least the knee's. I can crop them later on before posting. Please send clear pictures that are centered and arms are away from your body not blocking your stomach. Check in's must be emailed to me to the challenge email


*Failure to communicate and check in by 6pm will disqualify you from the challenge. No exceptions.

If for some reason you cannot check in on a normal check in day, email me ahead of time to let me know which day you will. As long as you communicate with me before the 6pm deadline.


*Sharing your pictures is no longer required but sending them to me still is(I will ask during the challenge if you are OK with me sharing your results or not)

*Must use my meal plans for the whole challenge.


*Basic Entry fee does not come with a plan, that is only the fee for the challenge with the time and work I put in coaching and the support group* (It is recommended to use the anti-inflammatory plans during the challenges since it's the main plan used by most and what I talk about most. Will be working closely with you to make the plan work best for you in the challenge)

Be sure to have a plan of mine before joining. There are packages available below that include meal plans and more.

Working out is not required as we focus mainly on eating as that is the main way to see change and exercise only supports eating.

Consistency with eating is key for best results. Cheats of any kind are not recommended to see the most results possible.


Using the closed Facebook group is highly recommended for all support but not required. You can join my website and download the wix app as I also make a private group in my website app for challenges.

Look for the group on my Facebook page oohsostacey after payment to join. If you have no Facebook or cannot find the group page, email me at after payment so I can provide you with the links.

*No refunds are given for any reason once challenge starts*








Next challenge starts
December 30th 2024
Challenge is 6 weeks
Full package
This includes:
New AI get lean plan
A $25 anti-inflammatory meal plan of your choice on my website.
Customization with eating amounts to fit your body and workouts.
Suggested workouts for your goals.
Accountability weekly check ins through email with me (Must check in on time each sunday to stay in challenge and the group. You keep all plans and such even if disqaulified from accountability challenge)
Calendar and planner print outs
Half Package
This package will be for anyone who already has an anti-inflammatory meal plan of mine but wants the new plan as well.
This includes:
New AI get lean plan
Accountability weekly check ins through email with me (Must check in on time each sunday to stay in challenge)
Calendar and planner print outs.
*Customizations available with added fee*
Basic package
*Must already have an anti-inflammatory meal plan of mine to use during the challenge. Full meal plan not smoothie detox*
This includes:
Entry into the accountability challenge and groups with the weekly email check ins. (Must check in on time each Sunday to stay in challenge)
Calendar and planner print outs.
*customization available for the added fee*
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